Tocbál incailich iarnalándiurug quando canitur oblata isforaithmet gene Crist insin tre airde aindocbale [cor.: insin áindocbale tre airde] et [=ocus] firto · Quando canitur accipit Iesus panem · Tanaurnat insacart fathri duaithrigi dia pecthaib atnopuir deo [not in MS: ocus canaid in salmso Miserere mei deus] & slechthith inpopul & nitaet guth isson arnatarmasca insacardd ar issed athechte arnarascra amenme contra deum céne canas inliachtso isde ispericulosa oratio á nomen · Na · iii · chemmen ciṅges infergraith foracúlu & tociṅg afrithisi ised atrede inimruimdethar cachduine id est himbrethir hicocell hiṅgnim & ised ·iii· tresanaith nuigther iterum & trisatoscigther dochorp Crist :~
Tocbal in cailich iarn a landiurug, quando canitur Oblata, is foraithmet gene Crist insin [ocus] tre airde a indocbale (/ a indocbale tre airde) ocus firto.
Quando canitur: Accepit Iesus panem, tanaurnat in sacart fat(h)ri du aithrigi dia pecthaib; atnopuir Deo; ocus slecthith in popul: ocus ni taet guth isson, ar na tar masca in sacardd; ar issed a thechta ar na rascra a menme contra Deum, cene canas in liachtso. Is de is Periculosa Oratio a nomen.
Na tri chemmen cinges in fergraith for a culu, ocus tocing afrithisi, ised a trede in imruimdethar cach duine, idon, himbrethir, hi cocell, hingnim; ocus ised trede tressanaithnuigther iterum, ocus trisatoseigther do Chorp Crist.
The elevation of the chalice, after the full uncovering thereof, quando canitur Oblata (when Oblata is chanted), that is a memorial of the birth of Christ and of His exaltation through signs and miracles.
Quando canitur: Accepit Iesus panem (When is chanted: 'Jesus took bread'), the priest bows himself down thrice to repent of his sins. He offers them [i.e. the bread and chalice] to God, and the people prostrates: and there comes not a sound then, that it disturb not the priest, for it is his duty that his mind separate not contra Deum ('against', i.e. from, God) whist he chants this Lection. It is from this that Periculosa Oratio (the Most Dangerous Prayer) is its nomen (name).
The three steps which the ordained man stepps backwards and which he steps in return, that is the triad wherein sins any person, to wit, in word, in thought, in deed; and that is the triad through which he is renewed iterum (again) and by which he is moved to the Body of Christ.
In mesad mesas insacart incailech & inobli & intammus ad midethar acombach figor nanaithisse & nanesorcon & innaaurgabale insen. Indoblae forsinmeis colind Crist hi crann cruche. Acombag forsinméis corp Crist do chombug cocloaib forsinchroich. Incomrac conrecatar indalleth. iarsinchombug figor ógé chuirp Crist iarnesérgo. In fobdod fombaiter indalled figor fobdotha cuirp Crist innafuil inarnaithchumbu hícroich.
Inpars benar ahichtur indlithe bis forlaim cli figor indaith chummi cosindlagin inoxil intuib deiss arissiar robui aiged Crist in Cruce id est contra ciuitatem & isair robui aigeth Longini arrobothuaisre dosuidiu issed ropodesse do Crist:~
In mesad mesas in sacart in cailech ocus in obli, ocus int ammus admidethar a combach, figor nan aithisse ocus nan esorcon ocus inna (aur) gabale insen.
Ind Oblae forsin meis, coland Crist hi crann Cruche.
A Combag forsin meis, Corp Crist do chombug co cloaib forsin C(h)roich.
In comrac conrecatar in da(l)leth iarsin Chombug, figor oge Chuirp Crist iarn esergo.
In fobdod fombaiter indalled, figor fobdotha Cuirp Crist inna Fhuil, inarn aithchumbu hi Croich.
In pars benar a hichtur ind lithe bis for laim cli, figor ind aithchummi cosind lagin in oxil in tuib deiss; ar is siar robui aiged Crist in Cruce, id est, contra civitatem: ocus i[s] sair robui aigeth Longini; arrobo thuaisre do shuidiu, issed ropo desse do Crist.
The examination wherewith the priest examines the chalice and the Host, and the assault which the fraction implies, a figure of the insults and of the stripes and of the capture [of Christ] (is) that.
The Host upon the paten, the Body of Christ upon the tree of the Cross.
The Breaking (i.e. Fraction) on the paten, the Body of Christ being broken with nails upon the Cross.
The meeting whereby the two halves come together after the Breaking, a figure of the wholeness of Christ's Body after His resurrection.
The submersion with which the other half is submerged, a figure of the submersion of the Body of Christ in His Blood, after the wounding on the Cross.
The part that is taken from the bottom of the half which is wont to be on the left hand, a figure of the wounding with the spear in the armpit of the right side; for westwards the face of Christ was in Cruce, id est, contra civitatem (on the Cross; that is, towards the city), and it is eastward the face of Longinus was; what was left for this person was right for Christ.
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